Friday Links - Kickass Women Edition

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Often, the internet can feel like a pay-by-the-pound thrift store. You dig, and dig, and dig for something good, something distracting, something that speaks to you, and you end up with a bunch of polyester and a rash. There are gems, yes, but they can be few and far between.

This isn’t everyday, of course. There are some days where I hop online and everything is fascinating and inspiring. Other days I get an excess of cat litter ads and the news feels like being slimed on Nickelodeon.

In other words, between the endless churning of social media and the 24-hour news cycle, it’s easy to miss the good stuff.

To solve this dilemma, I often turn to curated lists or well-thought out newsletters. They can clear out the clutter and make the internet feel less thrifty digging and more shiny department store. Plus, I love to see what other people find interesting and worthwhile.

Today, in an attempt to make your internet experience a bit brighter, I’m sharing some of my favorite gems. And, because it’s Women’s Month, they all feature kickass women!

Hot Off the Press

A Battle for My Life (The New Yorker) - Emilia Clarke details how she overcame two aneurysms while filming the early seasons of Game of Thrones. Talk about a queen.

'Change Is Closer Than We Think.' Inside Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Unlikely Rise (Time)

The Articles I Keep Thinking About

Eccentric Women: Why They Are More Important Than Ever In This Oppressive Era (The Guardian)

How Singer-Songwriter, Actress-Activist Janelle Monáe Gets So Much Done (Fast Company)

How Millennials Became The Burnout Generation (Buzzfeed News) - This article isn’t only about women, but there is a section about Millennial women that felt relevant for me.

The Incredibly Dressed 'Lady Dandies' of the Congo Are Here to Ruin You (Broadly) - Talk about fashion rule breakers!

An Arty INsta Account

@JenniferHiggie - An Instagram account entirely dedicated to the oft-unsung women of art history.

A whole book

Double Bind Women on Ambition Edited by Robin Romm - This book is a collection of 24 essays written by a diverse group of women, all centered around the idea of ambition. I found this collection to be fascinating, encouraging and educational. I definitely recommend it.

A Podcast

Superwomen with Rebecca Minkoff - Designer, Rebecca Minkoff, talks to women who’ve achieved some form of success about their journey. If you’re going to choose one episode, I’d go with “Elisa Kreisinger Reminds Us to Put Ourselves First”.

What internet gems would you put on your list?

Did you connect with any of my picks? I’d love to hear what you think of today’s links, and if you’d like to see more of these posts in the future. There’s always the comment box below, but if that’s not your jam, you can email me at, or slide into my DMs on Instagram.

I’ll be back here on Sunday!