Everything I Wore in Paris

A few posts ago, I called myself a magpie. When it comes to clothing, I’m drawn to anything brightly colored, sequined, heavily patterned, or fuzzy. I’m bored by basics.

There’s something about travel, however, that brings out my inner utilitarian. I become austere, and square, and matchy-matchy. I become that person determined to convince others that a single carry-on is really, truly, all I need! Who needs fun prints when I have a tidy pile of bland, square, neutrals? I’m ready to go! I’m free of the burden of heavy luggage!

If you ever meet this Rebecca, this delusional, I-love-coordinated-neutrals, Rebecca, please, please, give her a good shake and a second suitcase. Because, ultimately, Austere Rebecca comes home and returns to being Magpie Rebecca, staring at photos of herself in horrible shorts and is always, always filled with regret.

To celebrate our first anniversary, Christian and I planned a two-weeks-and-change vacation to Paris and Italy. I vowed that I’d retire Austere Rebecca once and for all. I’d pack enough to feel fabulous and fashionable and carefree! I’d come home, look at my photos and think, ‘Ooh la la!!’.

On top of all of that, I’d keep experimenting, too! I’d plan a whole trips-worth of rule-breaking outfits, and Inspired-By outfits. I’d break fashion rules internationally! What could go wrong?! How hard could it be?!

Over the next week, I’ll share everything I wore on our trip. Some outfits went better than I bargained for, and some really, really didn’t. We spent our first three days in Paris, and I’m sharing those outfits today!


Day One

I didn’t sleep on the plane. (I’m a terrible sleeper.)

Instead, I watched every episode of the French sitcom, The Hookup Plan. The show, set in Paris, follows Elsa, recently dumped and not handling it well, and her group of friends. It’s a modernized, French version of Friends. (It’s on Netflix!)

While watching, I was distracted by the simple, yet stylish costumes. The women often wore a t-shirt and jeans, but the t-shirt and jeans fit them, quite literally, to a T. Once we landed, I attempted to copy-cat their look.

I slicked my hair back into a bun (what else is there to do with post-plane hair?) and pulled on jeans, a slightly cropped, slightly boxy, black T-shirt, strappy brown sandals, and Ray Bans - my very first pair of quality sunglasses!

I didn’t tell Christian about my inspiration but, while we were talking to the metro station, he looked over at me and said that I looked very French! Ooh la la! I’ll call that a successful day one!

Recreating a photo I took here, in this very denim jacket, when I was 16.

Recreating a photo I took here, in this very denim jacket, when I was 16.

The view from our hotel room!

The view from our hotel room!

Visiting Joan.

Visiting Joan.

Walking the Seine to the Eiffel Tower!

Walking the Seine to the Eiffel Tower!

Drinking, what was likely, my fourth coffee of the day. Jet lag hit us pretty hard…

Drinking, what was likely, my fourth coffee of the day. Jet lag hit us pretty hard…


Day two

Day Two was jam-packed, and this rule-breaking, rented, Kate Spade shirtdress really delivered!

In the past, I’ve strayed away from elbow-length sleeves. I’ve always felt that they made me look wider, in a puffy-linebacker sort of way. For the very first time, in Paris, I broke this personal fashion rule!

I’m not convinced that sleeve length is flattering, but I’ve passed the age of caring about it. I loved this outfit! It was easy, and breezy, and comfortable, but I still felt stylish.

We spent part of our afternoon at the Rodin Museum.

We spent part of our afternoon at the Rodin Museum.

The inspiration

My Interpretation

Unfortunately, no kissers in our version of the photo, only several very stern-looking commuters.

Unfortunately, no kissers in our version of the photo, only several very stern-looking commuters.


Day Three

Day Three’s outfit was Inspired By the iconic photo above. My black polka dot dress was the inverse of the photo’s white one, but tomato, tomahto.

I loved the idea of this dress, but it didn’t breathe well and by the end of the day I was uncomfortable. I intended to repeat a fair share of my outfits, but I didn’t wear this again, save for a short dinner at the end of the trip.

Meandering through the Latin Quarter

Meandering through the Latin Quarter


What kind of packer are you? Are you a utilitarian, only-the-basics traveler? Or do you usually have to sit on your suitcase to zip it? Somewhere in the middle?

Have you been to Paris? What are your favorite Parisian places? Since we’ve returned, I keep thinking about going back!

I’ll return tomorrow with another blog post sharing everything I wore in Italy!